Amazon S3

Provision an Amazon S3 bucket to upload the main POB data pipeline Spring Boot JAR file in preparation for deployment to an AWS Lambda application.

Last Updated: 26 May 2022 • Page Author: Jillur Quddus


Amazon S3 is the native managed object storage service of the AWS cloud computing platform, enabling applications, services and users to persist structured and unstructured data to a scalable storage medium. This page provides instructions on how to provision an Amazon S3 bucket in order to upload the main POB data pipeline Spring Boot JAR file in preparation for deployment to an AWS Lambda application.

For further information regarding Amazon S3, please visit


There are no explicit setup processes to follow in order to provision Amazon S3. As long as you have an AWS account, you can access Amazon S3 via the AWS Management Console.

IAM Policies

In order to upload the main POB data pipeline Spring Boot JAR file to an Amazon S3 bucket, the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key associated with an IAM user that has the AmazonS3FullAccess AWS managed policy attached to it (or equivalent custom policy) must be provided when configuring the AWS CLI, as illustrated in the following screenshot:

To configure an IAM user provisioned with the AmazonS3FullAccess AWS managed policy, please visit the IAM Management Console via the AWS Management Console.


In order to deploy the main POB data pipeline Spring Boot JAR file to an AWS Lambda instance via the AWS CLI, a bucket should be created in advance that will be used to upload the packaged JAR file to the AWS Lambda instance via Amazon S3. The name of this bucket (which you can choose freely, for example pob-apps) should be noted as it will be required in the deployment steps as described in AWS Lambda.

Last updated